My Bond - Login
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My Bond Log in page

The Bondholders' area is currently undergoing availability maintenance.

HPB Website - Availability update in progress - Update start time: 02:30 8th February 2025

The website will be available again from 7am (UK TIME)


Having problems logging in?

  • check your caps lock is not on for the whole password
  • check your Bond number and password are correct
  • check you are not entering "HPB" in front of your Bond number
  • check you are entering a five or six digit Bond number
  • remember your password IS case sensitive
  • New Bondholders will be sent their login details after their cooling off period has passed
Website security - As with all websites it is recommended that you use a unique password for MyBond and change it from time to time.

Please remember that if you give your Bond number and password to any family members or friends they will be able to access all the information within myBond that you can access.
Are you a family member of a Bondholder? If so CLICK HERE


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